Getting The Treatment You Need After A Work Injury
If you were hurt in a workplace accident or developed a work-related injury, you are entitled to medical benefits under Georgia workers’ compensation law. Employers do not always explain or honor these rights and insurance companies routinely try to deny or limit medical coverage.
Skibiel Law, serving Jonesboro and all of Clayton County, is committed to upholding the rights of injured workers. Since 1992, we have represented more than 3,000 clients in workers’ compensation claims and appeals. We strive to secure access to the full array of medical services our clients need to recover as quickly and as fully as possible from a work injury.
Your Right To Medical Treatment For Work Injuries
In addition to income benefits to replace your lost wages, workers’ compensation covers all reasonable and necessary medical care stemming from a work-related accident, injury or illness. You are entitled to the following medical benefits, at no cost or deductible to you:
- Doctor visits
- Diagnostic tests
- Physical therapy or chiropractic care
- Necessary surgery
- Medications
- Medical equipment
- Medical appointment transport or travel reimbursement
If your claim is denied or you encounter any problems with medical treatment, we can step in to hold insurers to their obligation. Mark A. Skibiel is an experienced lawyer with a record of success in workers’ compensation hearings and appeals.
Can I See My Own Doctors?
Georgia’s workers’ compensation system requires you to seek treatment from a panel of doctors who are preselected by the employer. You are free to switch between doctors on the approved list and to see specialists on the list. You are also entitled to seek a second opinion (but not treatment) from physicians outside the list.
Under this system, employers and insurers largely dictate your medical care. However, they forfeit that right if the panel of doctors is not valid. We strongly encourage clients to obtain a copy of the list of authorized doctors. If the employer fails to provide such a list, if doctors on the list are no longer available, or if you do not actually have any choices in the doctors you can see, you have the right to seek employer-covered treatment with other physicians.
Nothing is more important than your health. We can help if you are denied access or refused reimbursement for the quality medical care you deserve.
Medical Clearance To Return To Work
Doctors who are beholden to employers and insurance companies commonly send injured employees back to work too soon. If you are cleared by a workers’ compensation doctor and refuse to report for work, you could be subject to termination of employment and/or termination of your workers’ compensation benefits. If you are cleared for light duty or work with medical restrictions, employers must honor the doctor’s orders. We can intervene if you are concerned about reinjury or lasting impairment from being forced back to your job prematurely.
We educate clients and enforce their rights. For a free initial consultation with a knowledgeable Jonesboro workers’ compensation medical benefits attorney, call at 770-400-0963 or toll-free at 770-968-3554. You may also contact us online.
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