Many fatal workplace accidents are caused by workers falling from ladders, platforms and other types of lifts. The severity of the injuries suffered in accidents involving falls is not always determined by the distance the worker fell. A fall from the second or third step of a ladder is sometimes as devastating as a fall from a 30-foot platform. Employers in Georgia have to comply with the safety regulations that are prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When a severe workplace accident occurs, OSHA will launch an investigation to determine whether any safety violations were violated.
Such an investigation is reportedly underway after the recent death of a worker at a steel manufacturing company. The accident report states that the employee was working at a height of about 30 feet. The aerial platform on which he was standing was struck by other equipment, causing the 59-year-old worker to fall to the ground. It is not clear whether he was protected by safety equipment when he was knocked off the platform.
The critically injured worker was taken to a hospital, but he only survived until the next day. The results of a subsequent autopsy are still pending. The steel company announced its dismay about the loss of life and mentioned that the worker had been in its employ for just over six months and that he was a valued employee.
The grieving family members of a worker who lost his or her life in a Georgia workplace accident will be entitled to pursue workers’ compensation death benefits. This may assist with the unexpected expenses associated with end-of-life arrangements. In addition, death benefits typically include a financial package to enable a surviving spouse and any dependents to cover basic living expenses and continue paying rent or mortgage payments.
Source:, “OSHA investigating workplace accident that killed Barnwell man”, Aiken, Jan. 20, 2015