Georgia workers rely on their employers to provide safe workplace surroundings that protect them against suffering workplace injuries. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires company owners to comply with its strict safety regulations. In addition, they are expected to be proactive in providing safety training to employees and thereby minimize the chances of a workplace accident occurring.
An OSHA investigation will determine whether the death of a worker at the KIA Motors plant was the result of negligent safety management. A 911 call was received on a recent Tuesday morning after a worker suffered critical injuries. Responders found that a heavy object landed on top of the worker, causing him to be unable to breathe. According to the coroner, he died of asphyxiation due to the compression of his lungs.
No details about the circumstances of the accident were reported, and the body of the deceased worker remained at the office of the medical examiner. A thorough OSHA investigation is underway, although the results are not expected to be available for some months. Apart from a contractor’s death during the building of the plant in 2008, this is reported to be the first fatality at the Kia Plant.
The family of the 57-year-old Georgia worker who died in this accident is likely struggling to cope with the heartache of losing a loved one. During this difficult time, they will also have to face end-of-life expenses and the unexpected loss of income. Most workers are covered by the workers’ compensation insurance fund that aims to provide financial aid to surviving families of workers who died in a workplace accident. After filing a claim for death benefits, the surviving family may receive compensation to cover funeral and burial expenses along with a financial package based on the salary earned by the deceased worker.
Source:, “Kia worker suffocated to death”, Tyler H. Jones, Oct. 9, 2014